Bridge bsc to matic
Bridge bsc to matic

This site only bridges from BSC to Ethereum and vice versa. You need to swap your $MATIC to $DAI or one of the two other coins first.If your MetaMask wallet is new, you’ll first need to add BSC to the list of MetaMask networks. Alternatively, open the Metmask wallet via the Connect Wallet button at the bottom of the Binance Bridge webpage. One of the most annoying obstacles to getting your assets on the Polygon network is the expensive fees paid through. To connect Metamask to Binance Bridge, you click the Bridge button near the top of the MetaMask wallet window. Fill in the receiver address (this can be the same MetaMask wallet address as you use on your BSC network). Here’s a guide to bridging your assets from BSC to Polygon/Matic on Metamask.Select the coin you want to sent (only $DAI, $USDC and $USDT supported).Connect your MetaMask wallet with Binance Smart Chain network.This is a multi network bridge project and can be found here: Notice that before you can do this, you will have to have $ETH on your Ethereum network, so in that case you first need to swap $MATIC to $ETH on Binance and sent it to your MetaMask wallet on the Ethereum network (ERC20).Enter the amount of $ETH you want to transfer.Goto your MetaMask and select “Custom RPC” How do I bridge between BSC and Matic Step 1: Connect your Metamask wallet to Token Chain Mapper.The drawback is that you can only move USDT / USDC / DAI between chains, not matic. In case you have not done this already, you need to add the Polygon network to your MetaMask. Hi, yes there is a bridge between BSC and Matic on xpollinate. In this guide, we will show you an alternate way. When the $USDC is sent to Polygon, you can swap $USDC to $MATIC on Polygon with QuickSwap exchange.Īs you can see from 349 $MATIC you have on BSC, you will eventually receive 346 $MATIC on the Polygon network. 6 In the previous article, we explained that it was possible to use the Zapper Bridge to bridge tokens from Ethereum to Polygon. Note: I tried on PancakeSwap but the liquidity was too low and price impact too high

bridge bsc to matic

Within BSC you can swap $MATIC on ApeSwap: This article will show some possibilities and also the cheapest one(at the time of this writing). For some you must pay a lot more transaction fee. There are a couple of ways to sent your tokens from Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network to Polygon (MATIC) network.

#Bridge bsc to matic how to#

This is a short guideline how to send BSC BEP-20 tokens to the Polygon network. More and more Polygon (MATIC) projects are popping up.

Bridge bsc to matic